My Fitness Program

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."


Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 3 of Phase 1

Today is day 3 of the 90 days workout program. And man, my entire body is sore. :| I can't even climb the steps let alone walk a mile. But it's a good thing, at least I know my workout is effective. I'm having a hard time controlling my food intake though. It's like my brain's been programmed to eat profusely and changing that takes a lot of practice. It's like a computer that's under a certain program for so long and so suddenly it has to be changed.

I hope human brains can be tricked or adjusted easily without ease just like computers. But I am surviving. I've been able to control my cravings and the self will is getting stronger each day for I know I am doing this for myself. I choose to be healthy and happy as before :)

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