My Fitness Program

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."


Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 13

Truly what a journey it is that I am in. Two days ago I had an allergic reaction from something I have completely no idea where it came from. I am only allergic to seafoods and I haven't had it in months but just the same manifestations appeared on my back, upper body, right arm and face.

My sister-in-law's theory is that it could have been caused by my apparent low immune system. Somehow she thinks since I cut down on my food in-take it have triggered the allergy. I am still in medication and I didn't workout yesterday because I had to rest my body for it to recover. But I choose not to defeated by this BUMP in my fitness journey.

I will continue and keep moving forward.

Workout today: Kenpo X

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