My Fitness Program

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 11

Today is another day that I celebrate my small achievement. I lost another pound again, which means to date from day 1 I lost 4 pounds already and 2 inches off my waist in less than two weeks. There are moments when I am physically exhausted, it's like I can't go on anymore but my mind and heart tells me otherwise. It's that little voice inside me that tells me to keep pushing and finishing strong each workout routine I am doing. Like today, I worked out for 3 hours did Pilates, Yoga X and Kenpo X and halfway through it the entire muscles of my body was aching but I pressed on. I am still far from my goal but I know I am closer to it than yesterday.

Also, it helps a lot when you have a support system, I thank my amazing friends Jovi who inspired me to get up and change. Naj, Keiz and Lesley who constantly and unconditionally support and cheer me on.

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