My Fitness Program

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 6 Day 35

A lot has happened to me for two weeks (week 4 and 5) I had an allergy attack and the lumps and rash manifestation on my skin were evident that I had to be in medication for two weeks. Just last week, I had to be rushed to Makati Medical Center's Emergency Room due to difficulty in breathing. On the morning of September 7, 2012 / Friday I couldn't move both my arms down to my fingers, I can't barely close my fist because it was so swollen even my thighs were covered wheals.

The doctor/s in Makati Medical Emergency Room were so nice, they injected three shots of allergy meds (one of the three is steriods) on my left hand to reduce the swelling. I actually have a crush on the resident physician who tended on my case. His name is Vince and a great friend of my cousin Alex. How I wish all doctos are as good-looking and as nice as they are =) On Saturday, September 15 I will undergo a skin allergy test at an allergologist to finally determine what is triggering the allergy attacks.

In spite my health condition, I am still determined to achieve my goal. I may have slowed-down by the unpredictable bumps on my fitness journey but I am not quitting nor am I throwing in the towel.

I will push through. I.WILL.

Workout Routine today:
Pilates, Kenpo X, Chest & Back, AB Ripper X

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Make up your mind to be happy

Re post from ihatequotes

Don't let the people who do so little for you control so much of your feelings and emotions. Never cry for those who don't know the value of your tears. Stand your ground. It is better to let them walk away from you than all over you.

Nobody can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness. If you want to be sad, no one in the world can make you happy. But if you make your mind to be happy, no one and nothing on earth can take that happiness away from you.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 21

One more pound shed-off again today officially I'm off the 150 lbs. mark. total of 9 lbs lost in 3 weeks and 1 day. #P90X #BEACHBODY. Today did #YOGAX, #KENPOX #killerworkout #insanityjourney.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 20

Did Pilates and Kenpo today. My left knee still bothers me it's not that swollen anymore but it still hurts whenever I bend it. :(

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 19

Although my swollen left knee has been bothering me for almost 2 weeks now, it still didn't stop me from working hard daily in all my P90X® workout routine. I already lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks with a steady pace and a strong-will, I'll keep on pushing. Did Pilates and Plyometrics today

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Benefits Of Pysical Fitness: Rest and Recovery

Post from Chris Hynes

In order to get the most out of the BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS. The body needs Adequate amounts of rest and recovery.
There are two major factors that come into play when you think about recovery sleep and rest days.

SLEEP: Many people underestimate the importance of sleep. Not getting enough sleep each night can greatly effect your efforts in your weight training.
  • Always shoot for between 6-8 hours of sleep each night
  • Avoid activity that will raise your adrenaline levels to close to the time you plan on turning in. Including but not limited to Watching TV, browsing the internet, or any activity that requires high amounts of concentration. As this can affect your quality of sleep.
  • Avoid large amount of food because when you consume large portions of food to close to bed time your body will be working hard to digest the meal thus making it difficult for you body to reach the deep state of sleep that is required for muscles tissue to grow and to repair.
  • Try to get on a set schedule going to bed each night and rising each morning at the same time will greatly increase your quality of sleep.

REST DAYS: It is a mental challenge with in all of when we are working to reach our goals but we all need days off.
  • Always allow yourself 1 day a week of total rest and recovery.
  • These are the days your body will be able to build strength.
  • Restore Glycogen levels.
  • Muscle tissues will be able to repair.
  • Your body will be able to sneak in a little extra sleep to make up for nights during the training week you may have gotten less then you planned.
  • You will greatly reduce fatigue and mental focus by taking a day to allow your body to have minimal physical stress.
  • Do not drastically reduce your caloric intake on rest days. Your body will still need the calories to repair and rebuild.
So Eat right Sleep deep and work hard and give it 100% and you will be seeing results. Do not undo your hard work by over training.

Day 15

The last week of phase 1 is almost over. I'm in my 3rd week of the 13 weeks P90X fitness program and I'm at least getting the hang of it. My body is slowly adjusting to the workouts and diet plan. Did Pilates, Core Synergistic and Cardio X.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 14

Today marks the last day of my 2nd week and man I am beat. I can't describe what exactly what I feel right now. The medicines I am taking for my allergies are strong that I feel sleepy all through the day. Considering my normal self has insomnia apparently now I feel like sleeping all day. I've never felt sloppy until now.

Despite my health condition, I gathered all the strength I have left and workout for 2 straight hours. Did Cardio X, AB Ripper X and Pilates.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 13

Truly what a journey it is that I am in. Two days ago I had an allergic reaction from something I have completely no idea where it came from. I am only allergic to seafoods and I haven't had it in months but just the same manifestations appeared on my back, upper body, right arm and face.

My sister-in-law's theory is that it could have been caused by my apparent low immune system. Somehow she thinks since I cut down on my food in-take it have triggered the allergy. I am still in medication and I didn't workout yesterday because I had to rest my body for it to recover. But I choose not to defeated by this BUMP in my fitness journey.

I will continue and keep moving forward.

Workout today: Kenpo X

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 11

Today is another day that I celebrate my small achievement. I lost another pound again, which means to date from day 1 I lost 4 pounds already and 2 inches off my waist in less than two weeks. There are moments when I am physically exhausted, it's like I can't go on anymore but my mind and heart tells me otherwise. It's that little voice inside me that tells me to keep pushing and finishing strong each workout routine I am doing. Like today, I worked out for 3 hours did Pilates, Yoga X and Kenpo X and halfway through it the entire muscles of my body was aching but I pressed on. I am still far from my goal but I know I am closer to it than yesterday.

Also, it helps a lot when you have a support system, I thank my amazing friends Jovi who inspired me to get up and change. Naj, Keiz and Lesley who constantly and unconditionally support and cheer me on.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 10

Yesterday after finding out I lost 2 inches off my waist in just one week,  I am more inspired to work hard. I am so tired now but the good kind of tired. Did Kenpo X, Shoulder and Arms, Ab Ripper X.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 9: Little Achievements, Simple Joys

I'm in day 2 / week 2 of my 90-day goal. Did P90X Plyometrics and Pilates after doing so I thought of measuring my waistline, which I did already last week. Maybe, just to see if there are changes. and... TADA! I lost 2 inches off my waist :) I couldn't be more happy. It's a good feeling to see the results of hard work, consistency, determination and perseverance.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Can We Really Control Our Destiny?

I believe we cannot control our destiny but we can control the choices we make which will shape our destiny.

People can be amazing when they put their mind into something

Day 8

The exhaustion is kicking in... The saying motivation is what gets you started and habit is what keeps you going by Jim Rohn is definitely applicable to my situation right now. Discipline is key to achieving my goal. I just need to reach within me to keep me pushing until I reach my goal. Had only 520 calories intake today, did Cardio X and AB Ripper X while my left knee is still swollen and it still hurts I can't bend it 100 % but I'm pushing through.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 1 Over

Week 1 ended last night with a swollen left knee and two pounds lost. Am I disappointed with the result?...No. It's better than gaining a pound. I am satisfied of my progress but I believe I can do better.  This time, I will maintain the P90X workout routine, but change my diet. The starve-yourself-to-death-diet. 2 pounds is too small for me, I want at least 10 pounds lost in a week. I CAN DO THIS. I was able to do it before, all the more now.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

BMI is Too High

Checked my Body Mass Index just now, and darn! I wasn't expecting an overwhelming figure. NO more SWEETS, SODIUM, and CARBOHYDRATES for me.

Brunch today. Corned Tuna with Chinese Cabbage and Boiled Banana

YOGA X of P90X

And I thought YOGA is easy but it was far from what I expected and yet I pushed through. I struggled the entire workout and thank heavens I survived it :) NAMASTE!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

This is exactly what hard work can do, amazing results! Well, I'm getting there =)

I'm making a change and following through

my LUNCH today


You’re right. It is easier to eat pizza then to run on the treadmill.
It’s easier to turn to ice cream rather then people for supporters.
It’s easier to say ‘fuck it, i give up’ then to say it ‘fuck this, i can do it.’
So you know what? I’m not going to sit here and tell you day after day you can do this.
If you don’t believe you can, then you can’t. That’s the honest truth.
You need to this for you. And if you don’t want it enough,
then you sure as hell won’t achieve it. So take the easy way out
and remain unhealthy and continue to gain weight
because you can’t realize you are the only one hurting yourself.
I didn’t say it would be easy. I said it would be worth it.

1800 Calorie Diet In 3 Weeks

I have to stay within the 1,800 calorie range of the program. When I read P90X's nutrition guide, it says there that the 1st three weeks should be fat shredding phase and in order to do that I have to minimize my calorie intake. Hard. but I can do it. It's my 3rd day in the program and I did Shoulder - Back and AB Ripper X afterwards.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 3 of Phase 1

Today is day 3 of the 90 days workout program. And man, my entire body is sore. :| I can't even climb the steps let alone walk a mile. But it's a good thing, at least I know my workout is effective. I'm having a hard time controlling my food intake though. It's like my brain's been programmed to eat profusely and changing that takes a lot of practice. It's like a computer that's under a certain program for so long and so suddenly it has to be changed.

I hope human brains can be tricked or adjusted easily without ease just like computers. But I am surviving. I've been able to control my cravings and the self will is getting stronger each day for I know I am doing this for myself. I choose to be healthy and happy as before :)

My Weekly Workout Schedule for 90 Days